Sunday, June 1, 2008


I'm supposed to meet a friend at Mars 2112 in an hour and a half, and I'm trying to figure out what to wear, and because it's so hot, I've decided that the perfect thing to wear would be NOTHING. But since I don't want my next meal to be in prison, I'll continue to look for something -Just as soon as I finish procrastinating writing in this blog.

Everything I own seems to have gotten a little bit tighter this week, and I can't imagine why. It can't possibly have anything to do with all the crap I've been eating. (And we all know I'm not carrying the Messiah!)

I feel a summer shopping trip coming on. I do not enjoy shopping. I can never find anything in my size. "My size" being something that fits and makes me look 20 pounds lighter. I'd shop on Mars, but all their residents have extra appendages.



Alice said...

ooooh i saw that mars bar place when i was in was in nyc a few weeks ago! i wanted to check it out, but the timing wasn't right. how is it??

Melissa said...

Well... there's a Mars bar downtown that's a Gay bar. Haven't been there! :D As a matter of fact, when my friend and I were making plans to meet, she said "Now I'm assuming you're not talking about the gay bar downtown, because I didn't think that was the kind of "cuisine" you had in mind!" Lol!

Mars 2112 is on 51st and Broadway, and it's a wonderfully tourist-trappy sci-fi themed restaurant. (You have to "take a space ship" to get to the restaurant part.) I love it, and I love taking people there, but I love tourist traps! I think it's fun. Next time you're in NYC, let me know and we'll go :)

Anonymous said...

I hate it when the dryer shrinks my clothes, it's cause I'm using hte wrong temperature right?

Melissa said...

Of course! I think that's what's wrong with my scale too. The temperature. Must be affecting its inner workings somehow...

Grandy said...

Did you remember to take your gravity boots off before you stepped on the scale?

Nora said...

I know what you mean--I hate the heat and it always makes me feel like a blimp. I hope you had fun at that cool place!

Melissa said...

Grandy: Sadly, yes :o/

Nora: We did. It was my friend's first time going to Mars and I made it a point to tell that to all the local aliens. -One of whom really seemed to like us and kept coming back to our table to check on us [aka mime to us!]