Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Stew Leonard's

Yesterday "M" showed up at my door all excited because a mutual friend of ours told her that of COURSE we could use her car while she was out of town. So we went to Stew Leonard's. (I'm so glad I brought a camera.)

Just in case that didn't amuse you enough, check out their "bags around the world" page. I don't know what's funnier... the people who proudly display the grocery bag they carried halfway across the world, or people like this woman who try to be discreet.

(*You may notice that this post has a "thankful" tag on it. I am thankful my friend trusts me enough to let me use her only car, I am thankful to M for paying for gas, and most of all I am so thankful to the Universe for constantly finding new ways to amuse me! I am thankful for this day.)



Hillary said...

That talking tree is just creepy! :P

Melissa said...

More creepy than my cackling? Lol! I had very little sleep the night before. My voice isn't usually that low! Lol!

MP said...

OMG..that is a riot! What a creepy place to grocery shop..do people go there as their regular store or is it an "event"??? Crazy NorthEasterners :-) LOL

Melissa said...

My friend going "moo" is what really cracked me up. I was waiting and waiting with the camera all ready... and she kept pushing the button, and pushing the button...

It's actually not creepy there at all when you see those in the context of the entire store. It's a lot of fun and kind of funny. But it is odd! Lol! Kids love it!

People definitely go there as their regular store if they live nearby. For other people it may be more of a monthly thing to stock up on certain items. I hadn't been there in *years* -which is why my neighbor felt the need to run around and press every animatronic button so I could see what they all did! Lol!

It wasn't on our list of places to go yesterday, but we were near it so we swung by (and got some really good food!). I'm so glad I had my camera with me. I only thought to bring at the very last minute as I was walking out the door!

storyteller said...

That’s strange all right. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it in So Cal. Methinks I’ll stick with Trader Joes. Isn't it great that cameras are small enough these days to carry with us wherever we go to capture such things?
Hugs and blessings,

Melissa said...

I need a smaller camera. Mine is a bit big. Sometime in the next year I'll probably get a cell phone with a camera so I can take pictures anywhere any time, so that should solve that problem.