Operation Santa Claus: The Letters
A few people asked if I could post my letters from Operation Santa Claus. These are the ones I answered. (Did I ever mention that I'd only planned to answer 1 to 3 letters? Yeah... that didn't happen!)

(Back of letter)

Text from the letters above:
Dear Santa,
how are you I hope you are fine. My name is [name omitted] I am good at school in [name of school omitted] and I listen to my teacher. I konw my mommy works hard to give us food.
I wish I could have a baby doll.
Thank you Santa.
Dear Santa Claus,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am aware you must be very busy as I am sure that this year in particular there are many children writing to you with requests for gifts.
I am sorry to say that I am one such woman writing on behalf of my two children. I have written to you for the previous four years. Perhaps given that English is my second language and you are probably not fluent in spanish. However I am the mother of a very good son, [name omitted] who is four years old and a not-always-so-naughty 2 year old daughter named [name omitted] who would greatly appreciate any gifts you are able to afford them. Mommy is not always able to grant Christmas.
[Girl's name] is a size 3T in clothing and a size 7 in shoes. As for [boy's name] he is a size 5 in clothing and his shoes are a size 11.
On behalf of my family I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thank you!
All the best and Happy Holidays.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is [name omitted]. I am a single mother. I have two children my son [name omitted] he is 5 year and my daughter [name omited] he is 2 year. I don't have money right now I owe always give thanks to good for having people like you that is willing to help mother like me. I wing you coul make this Christmas enjoyable for my children you to help me with clothe, toys, shoes please.
I want this Christmas to be special for my children they have had a Christmas with toys and gifts thanks and Merry Christmas for you and you family.
[Address omitted]
[Name omitted]
[Back of letter lists clothing sizes for both kids in pants, shirts, coats, and shoes]
November 20, 2007
Dear Santa,
Please make my daughter [name omitted] her dream come true. She knows that you are somewhere there and keep talking about you all day, she is 4 years old, Hispanic and very enthusiastic about Christmas day, she is a good girl and thank God very healthy.
Please send her anything you want to the following address:
[address omitted]
Thank you very much and have a good Christmas
Dear Santa,
I am a mother of two little girls name [name omitted] age 8 and [name omitted] age 6; I am having financial difficulties at the moment and do not have enough money to give my daughters the Christmas they deserved. Their father has just been diagnosed with cancer for a second time in a year. I am hoping you can help with any little thing for them so they can see something on Christmas morning. [Name omitted] is a size 10 slim in pants and shirts and [name omitted] a size 7 in pants and shirts, they both like Barbie dolls and love to do arts and crafts they love playing house, at this time anything will suffice for them. Thank you and have a healthy and happy Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
Thank you again,
[name and address omitted]
Tomorrow I'll post photos of their gifts.
Operation Santa Claus 2007
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | A little more here | The Last Delivery
The Letters | The Gifts
oh my gosh. that breaks my heart.
i know we must have that org around here, i am 100% going to do it this xmas.
Oh geez...now I'm crying. Thanks a lot :).
I am really glad you posted the letters. I'm nosey and weird like that...I just wouldn't have asked. Thank you to the nosey and weird people like me who DID ask :)
I guess this is pre MP..cause I don't remember this.. WOW..what an awesome thing to do.
Selfishly I really need to do this..I've lost a little of the Christmas Spirit.. Remind me next year..
Having followed your activities as you went about 'being Santa' for these families, it's interesting to read the letters ... so thanks for sharing. I've got this on MY to-do list for this year ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
alice: Reading through the letters at the post office and deciding which ones to take and which to put back was truly heartbreaking. That was rough. I felt like I was rejecting someone's wish and the chance to do something for them. But I wasn't. I was just trying to find the ones that I knew I could do. But it was still very hard. I cried.
kendra: You're welcome ;) And I'm sorry. And again, you should see some of the ones I put back.
mp: I'll do my best. Why don't you remind me to remind you? ;)
I really need to get into the habit of talking about things BEFORE they happen. I tend to talk/blog about them AS they happen which doesn't give a lot of time for someone else to do "whatever" too if they're interested! So yeah... I'll try to work on that!
Storyteller: Hi! Good to see you again! I remember. I think you said you were putting this in your PDA :)
How does this work? You gifted these children? Oh I'm impressed Melissa. You're very sweet indeed. ;)
Yup. The letters vary. Surprisingly (in a way) most want clothes. Some want toys, some want food, some just want some kind of wish to come true.
Kids (and their mothers) write for all kinds of reasons. The mothers obviously write knowing there's a program in place to answer the letters. Kids sometimes know this too when they write, but not all do. Some are just writing to Santa.
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