Rawkin' Bloggin' Noggin' Award
I was only JUST able to find and pick it up yesterday!
Thank you Grandy! You rawk too! :)

Categories: Awards, Friends Old And New, I Am Thankful For...
Leftover Medical Supplies:Those are the obvious things. Obvious to me anyway. Beyond that, individual shelters or rehabbers might have more specific needs. Some might even need office items like a computer, printer, or a digital camera (particularly for shelters adopting out animals)... they all vary.
Some of these are day to day items, and some are items that might be left over after treating a sick pet or human.Leftover Pet Items:
- Medicines (human or animal, prescription or non) that are no longer needed but have not expired. I believe they can use them 6 months past their expiration date, but I'm not certain.
- Blood glucose monitors and supplies
- Lactated ringers (I know... you all have boxes of those lying around your house ;) )
- Unused sterile needles
- Eye droppers
- Syringes with no needles attached -All sizes. Especially small. (Used is ok if they're clean and you make it clear that they are not sterile. They'll be used for feeding.)
- Wee wee pads (the kind you use for pets or the kinds used in hospital beds)
Leftover Baby Items:
- (See the medical section above)
- Pet food that hasn't expired. Dog, cat, bird... anything.
- Plastic pet carriers
- Pet food bowls
- Hairball remedies
- Wee wee pads
- Specialty items for exotic pets if they shelter them, like ferrets, iguanas, hedgehogs, chinchillas, servals etc. including toys, pet water bottles, bedding, cages, treats. (Cages and toys are usually not needed for wildlife, but you can always ask.)
- Cloth diapers
- Burp cloths
- Wee Wee pads (disposable or non)
- Baby oil
- Baby shampoo
- Baby wipes
- Baby food
- Esbilac or other milk/nutritional supplements
- Pedialyte or other electrolyte supplements
Other Household Items:
- Tweezers
- Vasoline
- Rubbing alcohol
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Q-tips
- Anything that can be used for bedding like blankets, towels, old t-shirts... (I've just put aside several orphaned pillow cases I will probably never use. They'll go to her in the next round.)
- Electric blankets
- Food scales (good for weighing small animals)
- Blenders
- Dawn dishwashing liquid (Often used for removing grease from birds)
- Day to day supplies like paper towels, laundry detergent, trash bags, and cleaning products (ask which ones).
- Gift certificates: Grocery stores, hardware/houseware stores, pet stores, office supply stores...
Categories: Animals, Friends Old And New, Health, I Am Thankful For..., Tips
Categories: Everything Else
Categories: Friends Old And New, Letters
Remember the code I told you about yesterday? The one that will highlight the blog owner's comments and set them apart from visitor comments? Well there's a problem with it. -But I fixed it. :)
I wrote to the blog owner who posted the original code so they will probably (hopefully) make this, or a similar, change on their site, but for now, here's the code fix for anyone who's interested:
Follow the instructions on this page, but when you're done, delete this line:<b:if cond='data:comment.author == data:post.author'>
and put the following line in its place:<b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl == "INSERT THE URL FOR YOUR BLOGGER PROFILE HERE"'>
Make sure you insert the URL for your blogger profile where it says "INSERT THE URL FOR YOUR BLOGGER PROFILE HERE"
What this fixes:
Previously, the code would check to see if the blog owner's name matched the commenter's name. If you have a unique name like "Nora-bee" :) chances are none of your commenters will have that same name as you. But if your name is Melissa or Joe or Hillary or Alice, or another more common name, then any other person coming to your blog that has the same name as you would also have had their comments highlighted just like yours.
With the code fix above, blogger will check your blogger profile URL against the URL of the person leaving a comment (instead of comparing your names). Could someone still input your blogger profile URL as theirs and pretend to be you? Sure. So it's not 100% foolproof. But that's a lot less likely to happen than someone having the same name as you.
And at the risk of getting a little more geeky on you here:
If you're fairly decent with coding, you should also be able to adapt the code for multiple blog authors by using multiple "if" statements with corresponding styles.
Categories: Technical Stuff
Still super super busy right now. But when I catch up on my comments, it'll be much easier to see which replies are mine, because I just learned how to put my comments in a different color from visitors' comments! (Not in the pop up window, but in a post, like this.)
I learned how to do this here -Yay! :)
Edit: I found a small problem with this code and explained how to address it in my next post.
Categories: I Am Thankful For..., Technical Stuff
Categories: Friends Old And New, Health, Humor
Dear Melissa,A graduation present from a High School guidance counselor after a particularly harrowing year. Her note has always meant far more to me than any photo.
This is so that someone you care about can always be with you.
Congratulations, know that I have faith in you & love.[Name omitted]
Categories: Friends Old And New, I Am Thankful For..., Letters
After my mortified friend told me about her son's latest trick, I told her we had to put this story in "letter format" so I could post in on my blog. We wrote this in the car:
Dear God,
Please forgive my son for standing on the front steps of his Catholic school during dismissal time and yelling out "Hey mom! Guess who this is!" then throwing his arms out to either side, closing his eyes, and hanging his head down diagonally (in front of all the teachers, kids, and other parents!)
He knows not what he does.
And, more importantly, please do not hold this against me because I have no idea where he learned that!
Categories: Friends Old And New, Humor, Letters
Dear Melissa,I'm [info omitted] doing a new musical [musical name omitted]. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful the whole experience has been, is, seems to be becoming. Life truly exists outside the litter box.
Categories: Friends Old And New, Humor, Letters, New York
I think I got them all :) Sorry for the delay. I've been immensely busy!
To the Spanish Speaking Men at the laundromat:
If you have a question or need help with something, yes I speak spanish. If you're hitting on me, "No hablo español."
To the Old Men at the laundromat:
If you're hitting on me, I also don't hear well.
To my female, married, in her 60s, and totally not hitting on me neighbor who saw me on my way back from the laundromat, in my sweats (half of which I wore to bed last night) my "I can't be bothered with my hair right now" baseball cap, and my "please nobody make eye contact with me right now" dark sunglasses, and gave me a huge smile and out of nowhere said "You look GOOD!"
I love you.
Categories: Friends Old And New, I Am Thankful For..., Letters
Follow Up Conversation
HERI wrote that?
MEYou don't remember wrapping yourself up in wire?
HERI think that was my senior year...
MEAre you sure about that? Because I think you may be having a "senior" year right now! ;)
Categories: Conversations, Friends Old And New, Humor, Letters
Hay Kid, Where the ________ (oBSanity) have you been? I'm in a good mood. I feel like Writting all my long lost friends (not that your one of them) but you do Come Close!! Consitiring I haven't seen you in 2 years and Kerrin in 3 or 4. I'm writting her next (comforting hah)
Right now I'm sitting in my room listening to Meat Loaf (Paradise By the Dash Bord light) WOW!!!!
So who do like now? I'm maddly (love spelling) in Love with two Boys...
Categories: Friends Old And New, Letters
Categories: Friends Old And New, Humor, Letters
Operation Santa Claus 2007
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | A little more here | The Last Delivery
The Letters | The Gifts
Categories: Holidays, I Am Thankful For..., Letters, New York
A few people asked if I could post my letters from Operation Santa Claus. These are the ones I answered. (Did I ever mention that I'd only planned to answer 1 to 3 letters? Yeah... that didn't happen!)
Dear Santa,
how are you I hope you are fine. My name is [name omitted] I am good at school in [name of school omitted] and I listen to my teacher. I konw my mommy works hard to give us food.
I wish I could have a baby doll.
Thank you Santa.
Dear Santa Claus,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am aware you must be very busy as I am sure that this year in particular there are many children writing to you with requests for gifts.
I am sorry to say that I am one such woman writing on behalf of my two children. I have written to you for the previous four years. Perhaps given that English is my second language and you are probably not fluent in spanish. However I am the mother of a very good son, [name omitted] who is four years old and a not-always-so-naughty 2 year old daughter named [name omitted] who would greatly appreciate any gifts you are able to afford them. Mommy is not always able to grant Christmas.
[Girl's name] is a size 3T in clothing and a size 7 in shoes. As for [boy's name] he is a size 5 in clothing and his shoes are a size 11.
On behalf of my family I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thank you!
All the best and Happy Holidays.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is [name omitted]. I am a single mother. I have two children my son [name omitted] he is 5 year and my daughter [name omited] he is 2 year. I don't have money right now I owe always give thanks to good for having people like you that is willing to help mother like me. I wing you coul make this Christmas enjoyable for my children you to help me with clothe, toys, shoes please.
I want this Christmas to be special for my children they have had a Christmas with toys and gifts thanks and Merry Christmas for you and you family.
[Address omitted]
[Name omitted]
[Back of letter lists clothing sizes for both kids in pants, shirts, coats, and shoes]
November 20, 2007
Dear Santa,
Please make my daughter [name omitted] her dream come true. She knows that you are somewhere there and keep talking about you all day, she is 4 years old, Hispanic and very enthusiastic about Christmas day, she is a good girl and thank God very healthy.
Please send her anything you want to the following address:
[address omitted]
Thank you very much and have a good Christmas
Dear Santa,
I am a mother of two little girls name [name omitted] age 8 and [name omitted] age 6; I am having financial difficulties at the moment and do not have enough money to give my daughters the Christmas they deserved. Their father has just been diagnosed with cancer for a second time in a year. I am hoping you can help with any little thing for them so they can see something on Christmas morning. [Name omitted] is a size 10 slim in pants and shirts and [name omitted] a size 7 in pants and shirts, they both like Barbie dolls and love to do arts and crafts they love playing house, at this time anything will suffice for them. Thank you and have a healthy and happy Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
Thank you again,
[name and address omitted]
Operation Santa Claus 2007
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | A little more here | The Last Delivery
The Letters | The Gifts
Categories: Holidays, I Am Thankful For..., Letters, New York
Categories: Letters
Hi, I figure that you're the best student in the class. I'm barely scraping thru. I was wondering if I paid you $5 hr. to help me do these programs if you'd be into it. I've been to the tutors & they want to wring my neck cause I just don't get it. If you say no I'll kill myself but don't feel bad my parents won't blame you.
What a pleasant surprise! when I saw your letter! All right! I must answer you now.
You know that I am seveenteen years. In Zaire each family has eight or ten children. My family has teen children too. I am the 5th child and the only one boy. I am among student's children of my family. The for first girls are already teachers. My father and mother are cultivators!
Zaire is a "first rate" and big country. There are many animal, beautifull bird, many big mountain as is "Rwenzori", and a good river.
Oh, by the way, you asked me to send you some pictures. I am sorry becuase I haven't been fast to find it as much as I have sent this letter. Don't worry my friend so patience!
Now, you and me, we are looking forward to corresponded with each other. We are getting older and older. Perhaps someone among us will go to visit another in America or in Afrique. Can you think what will happenning?...
In Zaire, after Christmas, change of money have happened. Because of every thing became dear. But food is cheap. I play only football. Do you like music, cinema, theatre, reading (of books), as much as me? Are you a boy or girl? Will I see you in the future? Perhaps on a picture. Is the meat of cat best to eat? Here each person has goats or chickens at home because meat of it are good to eat.
At this end,you willmay you tell your family that my family greet him a lot?
Dear Melissa, I'll be waiting too.Voice of your affectionate
friend Kanduki
Categories: Friends Old And New, Letters